* Added hysteresis to knob mappings to avoid jittery behaviour. * Added the Looper 'Octave down' function. * Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.17 (so adding the Rotary and Clock algorithms). * Fixed a crash when there were more than 100 wavetable folders. * Fixed an issue that could occur when both dual algorithms were audio playback algorithms. * Fixed an issue where the Z function would not be restored properly when loading a dual preset. * Fixed an issue where the preset name would not be loaded when loading a dual preset. * If a dual preset uses a Favourite, the algorithm name is now correctly shown when browsing presets.

* Wavetable algorithms can now load stereo or 24 bit WAVs (ignoring the right channel/low 8 bits). * Improved the smoothness of the L & R knobs (in single mode). * Added a setting for how much the R knob needs to move to take over menu or parameter value changes. * Improved the smoothness of gain changes when using the Dry and Effect gain parameters in the Augustus Loop algorithm. * The WAV Recorder now sends a MIDI note off if auto-sampling is cancelled. * The SD Multisample and SD 6 Triggers algorithms now set the relevant parameter maximums to reflect the number of folders/WAV files, improving usability of the R knob for selecting folders/files. * Added the "Normalisation" parameter to the SD Multisample algorithm. * The SD 6 Triggers algorithm now emits end-of-sample triggers via an attached ES-5. * The SD 6 Triggers algorithm can now be triggered by MIDI notes. * Added a much more thorough i2c implementation.

* Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.16 (so adding the Chaos algorithm). * Fixed a crash in the Granular Pitch Shifter algorithm when the pitch was set very high. * Fixed a crash in the Wavetable Waveshaper algorithm when processing large input voltages. * Fixed a possible crash and SD card corruption when adding a new file to the card. * Fixed a crash when a folder had more than the expected number of WAV files in it. * Dual mode algorithms that send MIDI now correctly use the MIDI channel from the settings. * Fixed a problem where the display could become corrupt in the quantizer algorithms if the quantized input was changing too rapidly. * Fixed a crash when entering any of the dual mode wavetable algorithms without wavetables on the SD card, and when entering the Programmable Quantizer algorithm without scales on the SD card. * Fixed a problem where the Z knobs would not work in dual mode. * Fixed problems with stuck or untriggerable notes in the SD Multisample algorithm, especially when chord mode was active. * Changed the default MIDI CC mapping for single algorithms to start at CC #7. * Increased the length of the filename displayed by the wavetable algorithms. * Added the 'Auto-change startup preset' and 'Auto-save when changing algorithm' settings. * Added support for microtonal scales (using Scala) to the SD Multisample algorithm.

* Added the 'auto-sampler' to the WAV Recorder algorithm. * Added support for up to 6 channel recordings in the WAV Recorder algorithm, and added a graphical display of SD card write pressure.