The game will give you some brief tutorial hints, like which button does what, how to reload, how to equip weapons (at Obelisks), and briefly mentions the targeting system. Awakened with no weapons, no memories and no chance, he travels through these tombs, scrounging for a pistol, a knife, and a prayer. Immortal: Unchained has you playing a nameless man, muscular and mute. You might call this a real clash of styles. I was trying to do too much at once, and dying for it. I learned what I was doing, even if it meant I spent well into eighty minutes on the tutorial stage, mostly because of the final boss. I’m universally bad at this style of game, so my time spent learning was a little higher than normal. You’ll see a lot of similarities, but that’s not a bad thing. Instead of “souls” you have “forgotten bits”, and that is your currency to up stats and do a variety of things. well, you still do fancy rolls and dodges, but instead of wielding medieval weaponry, you have a host of different guns to equip, each with their own stats, sprays, and damage to account for. Instead of dodging forever, and swinging a few times, you. Immortal: Unchained takes that formula of “die often, learn a lot” and puts it in a more futuristic setting. Dark Souls is a pure, unique creature that nothing can ever be but a pale imitation of, but hear me out.

Now I know this is some kind of crazy hot-take, and it’s going to make some folks on the internet boil with anger, but here goes: Immortal: Unchained is a Dark Souls style game. Looks hopeless, right? That’s okay, we’ll learn to kill.