Very large structures (> 3000 components, i.e. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx272 The DNAproDB databaseĭNAproDB provides data on structures retrieved from the PDB which contain at least one protein chain bound to at least one DNA strand of length two nucleotides or more. The particular strengths of AlignmentViewer. Berman, Remo Rohs DNAproDB: an interactive tool for structural analysis of DNA–protein complexes. AlignmentViewer is a web-based tool to view and analyze multiple sequence alignments of protein families. If you use DNAproDB in your work, please cite us: Jared M.
Full documentation is available at the documentation page. Use the navigation bar at the top of the page to explore different areas of the site. 109 HMMER Homologous protein sequences may be searched from the respective databases using this tool. The data you retrieve can be downloaded directly for your use, or can be visualized with our built-in visualization tools which offer both customization and interactivity. BLAST It is a search tool, used for DNA or protein sequence search based on identity. It automatically stores intermediate analysis steps with data sharing links, supports external databases and analysis tools, and is extendable with Pline. Wasabi visualises sequence data together with a phylogenetic tree within a modern, user-friendly interface. Upload your own structures obtained from experiment or simulation and process them with our pipeline to generate the same data and visualizations which are available for any structure in our database. Web-based environment for evolutionary sequence analysis and data visualisation.These can be exported for use in publications, or used as a data exploration tool miRGalaxy NGS data analysis focusing on microRNAs and their sequence. Visualize data using customizable, interactive visualizations. GalaxyAuBi Standard tools for DNA/RNA analysis and additional ones on project demands.Search thousands of DNA-protein complex structures based on features of the DNA, protein or DNA-protein interactions.Additionally, you can upload your own structure using the upload form and use the same processing and visualization tools for unpublished data. This data can be used to analyze individual structures or to generate large datasets by constructing queries on a set of features using the search form. Our database contains structural and biochemical features extracted from structures of DNA-protein complexes contained in the Protein Data Bank. DeAnnIso, is an online tool, that is designed for Detection and Annotation of IsomiR from small RNA sequencing data. Create detailed searches on structure and sequence based features Previous Next Getting Started with DNAproDBĭNAproDB is a database, structure processing pipeline and web-based visualization tool which makes structural analysis of DNA-protein complexes easy.